Friday, 10 July 2009

From lazy me

Ok ok, shame on me for being silent so long. Holidays have started finally. All things connected with school and teaching can be forgotten for a little while. High time to enjoy layzing around and doing nothing (and as you might know I'm the best at that lol). Weather isn't the best lately so holidays this year mean spending most of the time at home, but still love it. Finally have time to read books (my ladies from the library haven't forgotten about me and they still keep best books for me heheh), awww how could I forget, my room is no longer full of unchecked tests heheh and I was glad to throw all of them away. And it's great to wake up in the morning not thinking what day it is and which school I go to first heheheh. Well, I could go on telling you about all the nice things I may do on holidays. I'm just happy I'm off work for a bit and I'm with all those who don't get any day off till October (poor Vinu) or those who are looking for a job (poor Stu). Well, if any of you feels like coming for a cup of coffee and a piece of cake you know where to find me. mwa