Friday, 14 August 2009

First plane pics and the rest

Well, a couple of months ago, in January, I wrote a post about my holiday plans. It seemed like a long wait...and it was, though now I realise that time just flew. Now I'm back home with lots of sweet memories in my head, memories I will definitely cherish.

Theoretically, this year holidays don't seem like something outstanding....I can't boast about having visited Seychelles or something equally exotic...but for me this time was special and memorable. And now I'm sure that it's not really WHERE you go to, but WHO's with you during your free time. Me and Stu had a fantastic time and at that time he was here I wished I could stop the time. I was given an honour to use Stuart's camera (a 700 pound you know why it's so special lol) and took my first plane pics ever. I laughed at Stu and now I see it's actually fun....can't believe I've just admitted that hehehe (and I wouldn't mind an endless stream of BAs at Heathrow).

Anyway, coming back to reality, I applied for a training for teachers (I know no one would do that in the middle of holidays so the lady has already replied that I'm the first on the list hehhehe) and now just lazying around and trying not to think about school (it's hard though as they keep sending me things for teachers and invitations to some conferences).

To keep me sane and in good shape I'm back to daydreaming mode :)

Friday, 10 July 2009

From lazy me

Ok ok, shame on me for being silent so long. Holidays have started finally. All things connected with school and teaching can be forgotten for a little while. High time to enjoy layzing around and doing nothing (and as you might know I'm the best at that lol). Weather isn't the best lately so holidays this year mean spending most of the time at home, but still love it. Finally have time to read books (my ladies from the library haven't forgotten about me and they still keep best books for me heheh), awww how could I forget, my room is no longer full of unchecked tests heheh and I was glad to throw all of them away. And it's great to wake up in the morning not thinking what day it is and which school I go to first heheheh. Well, I could go on telling you about all the nice things I may do on holidays. I'm just happy I'm off work for a bit and I'm with all those who don't get any day off till October (poor Vinu) or those who are looking for a job (poor Stu). Well, if any of you feels like coming for a cup of coffee and a piece of cake you know where to find me. mwa

Friday, 22 May 2009

Holidays are coming...

Hey I've just forgotten to mention it's less than a month till my holidays start....yyypppiieee...the worst part of the school year still waiting for me, but the thought that holidays start soon keeps me alive and actually pretty positve about everything lol (gush, this sounds as if I was taking some drugs lol).

Getting certificates =even worst things come to an end

Whoever said that if you really want something you get it eventually was so right. After terribly long 10 months of doing a silly online training and writing reports that were read by one person apart from me (I mean apart from the person who copied them as published as theirs) and are of no use in general I have received my certificate today. They did make me wait for it....ten months was not long enough and to make it even longer I had to attend another training on a Friday afternoon right after lessons (the lady kept telling us to think creatively and the only creative thought I had on my mind was how to leave the room unnoticed...but shhh don't tell anyone). Then the lady gave me the damn piece of paper and I could run back home. But, please don't think it's just another post to complain ...far from it. I wanted it to be optimisitic and nice....and this is just to show you that even if your boss asks you to do things you don't really like and things you know won't improve your work at all they all come to an end and then you're a free and cheerful person again. Personally, I feel as if someone took 10kilos off my back (if you have no idea how much 10kilos is because you live in one of those few countries that have to use pounds then it's your problem lol).

If you're reading this and you're unemployed, but you may still afford to buy three laptops, a camera worth 700 pounds, a bike and new lens in two week period then please shut your mouth and don't comment on this ok?

Sunday, 19 April 2009

The Family Man

It's hard to get back to writing anything after such a long break (well, I was writing reports, but I don't think that really counts, does it? lol). Anyway, here I am people whether you like it or not :)
Thanks to fantastic British post (enjoy this moment Stu as I won't ever say that again) I got a small present. It was a dvd with a film entitled "The Family Man" (and an orange choco, but that's not what I'm going to write about here )...yeah doesn't really sound nice, does it? Well, if you don't like the title then forget about it and watch the film anyway. I'm sure you will love it as much as I did. It's a story with a meaning and you will end up thinking about your life after you see it (yeah even blondes will do).
The film starts this way: a single guy who is into making as much money as possible and then enjoying spending it on luxuries wakes up and finds out what his life would have been like if he hadn't left the woman he used to love. Really funny thing to watch, but trust me it's not only a silly story. After all we all tend to think what things would be like if we made a different decision?
PS Do you think I may count on another dvd? :))

Monday, 23 March 2009

Being proud of myself

Have you read the post about origami thing? Well, then take a look at my hen. I made it all by myself and I love it. You may not like it, but still I'm proud of myself hehehe. Would be good to read some nice comments about it lol, hint hint.

Saturday, 21 March 2009


Well, it all started with a little boy bringing me a present. It was a handmade Santa Claus. The special thing about it was that it was made from paper, an origami kind of thing. It looked fantastic. Silly me I though they bought it somewhere...but then I found a training where they teach you to make things from paper. The training was last weekend and I've made a chick lol. Now just working on a basket and a hen since Easter season is just round the corner. It takes some time to see results of your work, but I love it. Plus it's a fantastic way to relax and find some time for things not connected with your work.
Here you have a video showing you how to make a swan. Isn't it lovely?

Monday, 23 February 2009


A Monday conversation between two friends.
a: How are you?
b: I'm happy a usually asks if b has any special reasons to be happy, but since b knows a well he just knows a will ask that question and decides to answer it before it's even asked...
b: no reason to be happy, I just am
..and both a and b end up smiling and being happy ....b because he just is happy and a is happy because she sees how happy b is.

I don't want to add anything more to that. A simple everyday conversation may have a huge influence the way you look at the world arund you. Thank you, B.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Murphy and his laws

We all have days we want to forget or days that we wish had never happened to us....I guess I have them way more often than the rest (yeah I knew I'm the chosen one)...what happened last week is the perfect example. First I thought I would write down a detailed description of how badly I was treated...but naah, then I realised I don't want to spoil my one reads it anyway so why would I try to scare all potential readers before they even come here :)) It's just funny how the world keeps everything in week it's your birthday and you get lots of hugs and wishes and flowers and next week you realise your friend isn't really your friend and that they decided to let you know about it in the meanest possible way.

Today someone reminded me of Murphy's Laws. Although I'm desperatelly trying to be positive on a daily basis, at the end of this week I just can't ignore those laws and can't deny there's something there.

  • If anything can go wrong, it will
  • If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong
  • If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway
  • If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something

Now, let's get back to our positive selves. Smile, be happy and forget Murphy (whoever that poor guy was)

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

James Morrison

Since Vinu told me I may look for inspiration everywhere....then I did :) This is just a song I keep listening to for two days lol - James Morrison and Nelly Furtado "Broken strings". Pay closer attention to James though. His voice is incredible and it's actually his part that's better in this song lol. Not that it matters, but that guy is cute as well...who would say he's English lol (OK OK the last statement is just to provoke Stu to leave a witty comment about how damn handsome Englishmen are....we all know the truth but let him disagree just for the sake of it).
Gush, I do write too much about Stu (leave me you monster!!!). James had a song "You give me something" listen to that to find out what this guy is capable of. Two great songs.

Take a test

I have that weakness of taking all sorts of tests....there's one good site where you may take serious tests and learn something new about yourself. And there are silly sites that offer tests like: "Are you a Vampire?" (sure I am, no need to waste time taking a test). I found a place on FB where you may take lots of various test. I took some (I know I have too much free time) and here's what they say about me...
- Where will you be in ten years? - Married with 8 kids (hmm, only 8?? Right now I have almost 200 on a daily basis, lol)
- What's your mental age? - 25 years - Congratulations! That's a fine perspective of the world to have. Just don't get too carried away and start drinking cappucinos and listening to Jack Johnson (excuse me, does anyone know who Jack Johnson is????)
- My favourite now - What's wrong with you? (yeah I expected they would finally tell me....but the answer is: Too attractive, Your extreme level of hotness is distracting and offensive to everyone....wish being too attractive was my only problem lol.
- I took this one just to confirm the obvious facts - Are you a Blonde? - You're pretty blonde, Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Well, that's for you to decide. Personally, we think being blonde is super-awesome and great.....blondes rule!
Now admit that they are so silly that they make you laugh.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

For Vinu

I have already written many things about Vinu (only the good ones!) so it's useless to add more....besides he's just one of those people who can't be described in a short sentence, ....not even in a 3 volume book I guess. Those who know him know what I mean and those who have never met him should really regret not having a chance to get in touch with him. It's just 4th year since we met and I still enjoy being called a bum (to list the least offensive one though used in an affectionate way, as Vinu says). Thanks a lot for those 4 years and I hope we have many more ahead of us. Bum, you enjoy your freedom coz it won't last forever :)

Friday, 16 January 2009

Counting down the days

Never had my holidays planned in January....this year it happened though. I already know what I'll be doing at the beginning of August. The rest of the time still needs to be planned. Any suggestions?